BackboneNationConnie wrote in her post yesterday, “Raise your banners high, dear mothers. You are the strength and backbone of the nation. “ I believe it is true.

Without a backbone and spinal cord we would suffocate very quickly and die.

Mother, you are needed in your home. Without the mother as the backbone the home soon fragments, breaks down, and dies. Without mothers strengthening and building up their homes the nation weakens. As we currently face anarchy in our nation and watch young people burn cars, destroy buildings and churches, throw rocks at policeman, steal and loot from shops until long standing businesses have nothing left, we wonder about their home lives. I doubt they come from homes where the mother in the home giving herself full time to raise children filled with the Holy Spirit and filled with God’s truth.

Godly mothers influence the nation powerfully for good. Absent mothers help weaken the nation.

How can we the backbone of our families and ultimately of the nation? Let’s look more closely at this word:

B BUILDING a little more every day into my marriage and children’s lives.
A ACKNOWLEDGING the power and authority of my eternal career of motherhood.
C CALLING out to God for His strength and anointing each new day.
K KEEPING the “home fires burning.” Daily igniting the fire, renewing each soul, and strengthening family ties.
B BEAUTIFYING the atmosphere of my home with “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”
O OVERCOMING all temptations to leave my high calling for a lesser career
N NURTURING AND NOURISHING my children both physically and spiritually.
E EMBRACING my God-mandated commission of wife and mother.

None of want to be spineless mothers, do we? Let’s become the strong backbones of our homes. Motherhood is not for weaklings. It takes strength and fortitude. It takes hard work and diligence. But we are ready for the challenge.

Be blessed in your home today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Maude Alice Cowles
BedUsed again June 2020

Encouragement to you today from a faithful and powerful grandmother, Connie Hultquist.

Good Morning sisters who keep the home fires burning, Makin’ do is our game. We’re content at home and we don’t want to leave, Mothers of Destiny, Freedom Fighters, and Pioneers of a new move of God on the earth. We have a message that includes and doesn’t exclude children. We love our husbands. The fruit of our wombs is precious. We hear the voice of Wisdom calling us deep in our souls to "Come Home.” Come home to a new revolution.

No weapon formed against us will prosper because JESUS is our banner lifted high, the Word of God is upon our lips, and prayer is our life. We whisper our prayers in the stormy night, "The Blood of Jesus over my husband and my children.”

We are Covenant Keepers. The blood of Jesus reminds Satan that he lost the war at the Cross of Calvary. “All of my children are taught of the LORD and great is their PEACE."

Raise your banners high, dear mothers. You are the strength and backbone of the nation.
Fight for your husbands and children. Hear the Spirit of God calling you to fight for your homes and your country. You are the true Freedom Fighters of our day!
~ Connie

Painting by Elizabeth Nourse - La Petite Soeur (1902)

You have been inspired by Connie’s words below. Now you will want to read her astounding marriage testimony. Connie has one of the most amazing testimonies of a marriage restoration I have ever read as she waited in faith for years for her husband to be saved and come back to her. It is a powerful testimony that you can share with women whose marriages are faltering or they wait for a husband to return.

Go to and click on Articles and Stories, then Marriage and then Bring Him Home.


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