I was reading an article this morning of the number of children per family across the world. It’s amazing to see how the birthrates are becoming lower and lower. It takes 2.1 children per family to sustain a population, more to increase.
I thought the United States was down down to 1.9 children per family. The World Population Review states that the USA, UK, and Australia are now down to 1.7! Canada is 1.5! The article I read this morning said that once a nation gets down to 1.6 it is impossible for them to recover and that nation will eventually die out.
I wonder why we are shooting ourselves in the feet. The increase of a nation is the blessing of God, decrease is curse. A growing population is necessary for successful economy. The Bible links these factors together in Isaiah 29:22, 23 (TLB): “My people will no longer be ashamed. For when they see the surging birth rate and the expanding economy, then they will fear and rejoice in my name.”
God is glorified with an increasing birthrate in the nation. Isaiah 26:15 says: “Thou hast increased the nation O Lord, Thou hast increased the nation . . . Thou art GLORFIED.”
We are living in a culture that is opposite to the Bible and the kingdom of God. Our culture imbibes contraception, sterilization, and abortion as a normal part of life. Limiting families to two is normal. The sad part about this is that so many “Christian” families have also imbibed this lifestyle.
They even believe the lies about population explosion. God is not in the slightest worried about such a thing. Isaiah 45:18 says: “For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be INHABITED; I am the Lord and there is none else.”
It seems that it is not enough to wipe out millions with contraception and abortion but now we have this current vaccination which many scientists and doctors believe will result in much fertility. Of course, I am sure you have heard Bill Gates confess with his own mouth that the purpose of the vaccinations is for de-population. Many now call it the de-pop vax.
If that isn’t enough, we now have Agenda 21, the United Nations program to depopulate 95 percent of the world by 2030. Does that sound ridiculous? Unfortunately, it is a well-known and documented plan. You can read about it in the link at the end of this article.
All these things are masterminded by the devil, our enemy, who hates life. While God is the author of life, loves life, gives life, and wants us to always choose life, the devil seeks to eliminate life in every way he can.
Let’s be encouraged, dear folks, to make sure we are on the side of God and that we belong to His kingdom. If we side against life, we promote the devil’s kingdom.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
The UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: The Blueprint For Global Enslavement | Truth11.com

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