WhoisFirstA few more thoughts for the beginning of this year. Isaiah 48:12 states: “I AM HE; I AM THE FIRST, I ALSO AM THE LAST.”

We know factually that God is FIRST. He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. But is He FIRST in our daily experience? This is a challenge to me.

My thoughts are usually of the LORD the moment I wake. I love to read His precious Word before anything else I do. However, I have a problem which I am sure you face also. I prefer to read my literal Bible (my flesh and blood Bible), but often I turn on my iPhone while still lying in bed to get my first thoughts and message of the day from God.

But many times a message will appear on my iPhone as I’m turning to my Bile! It can be tempting to check it. And if I check that, other things appear! Oh, what a distraction! Will I be tempted? A thousand times No. I hear the word in my heart—FIRST! Who is first in my life? Who am I going to make first in my life? God of course!

Therefore, I make it a habit to discard anything that appears on my iPhone as I go to the Word. I DILIGENTLY resist it with all my heart. I DETERMINE to resist it. For God is FIRST! He must be FIRST in every action.

Are we phonies? Or is God truly FIRST?

As we embark on this New Year, can you join with me to make God FIRST in every thought and action. And let’s be strong to read His Word first before letting that iPhone take over.

Love to you today,

Nancy Campbell

Read also: Isaiah 41:4; 43:10; 44:6; 48:12; Revelation 1:8, 11, 17; 2:8; 21:6; and 22:13.


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