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In the city or in the country? I know there are many who would love to get out of the city, get some land, and have more opportunity for their children to do things, especially sons. And yet you are stuck in the city because this is where your husband needs to be for his career.
Dear ladies, can I tell you a little secret? If we are walking in the ways of the Lord, He has promised to bless you in either place. Deuteronomy 28:3 says: “You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.”
Therefore, if you think you are “stuck” in the city, you can stop complaining! If God has your husband in the city, this is where He will bless you. Start thanking Him for His blessings upon you in the city.
I have some dear friends who live in the city of Seattle. They have many sons and wondered how they could find opportunity for them in the city. But God opened up doors for them. As they were growing up and homeschooling the boys found work with all their rich neighbors around about, doing their lawns and yards and many projects that these people didn’t have time to do or didn’t even know how to do! Their daughter was even able to earn money cooking for some of these families!
Currently we live in the country (on our famous Hilltop), and this is where many of our over 50 grandchildren have grown up. It has certainly been the most wonderful experience for us all and a great blessing for the children.
However, we didn’t have the privilege of raising our children in the country. We raised them in the city. Not just in the city but right under the eye of the casino on the Gold Coast of Australia. Their bedrooms looked out on the huge Jupiter’s Casino. And there were nightclubs all around. Hands up those who would love to raise their teens in this environment.
I walked the beach every morning crying out to God for His keeping power and God was faithful and kept our teens even in this place. Instead of being on the defensive, they became on the offensive. Every week they all preached in the open-air Cavil Mall. This picture is of our son, Rocklyn, preaching at only 13 years as powerfully as Billy Graham! He’s 56 years old now! Also, a picture of the casino—our house was on the right of the casino. The church we pioneered on the Gold Coast was also opposite the casino! God blessed our lives even in the midst of worldliness and evil all around.
It was from here the Newsboys got started and our oldest son, Wes, brought them to America.
Wherever God has placed you, in the city or the country, begin praising and thanking God for His blessings to you. Look for the blessings He will give you because He has promised. And, BE CONTENT!
Many blessings from NANCY CAMPBELL

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