WhereJusticeHave you heard the recent news of how Paul Vaughn (a loving father of 11 children) and five others are branded as “convicted felons” and could expect 10.5 years in prison for singing hymns at an abortion clinic?
A few months ago, I interviewed Bethany, Paul’s wife, who tells the story of how the FBI raided their home in the early hours of one morning, grabbing her husband at gunpoint without even a warrant. The following is a poem one of her children wrote after that traumatic event:
Banging, Banging, Banging at our front door,
“Who has come?” we ask, “our neighbors for sure.”
But alas, no. Agents armed to the teeth,
Guns drawn and their fury on us, release.
Handcuffed, absent from wallet, keys, and phone,
Agents take dad away, hearts cold as stone,
Lights flashing and engines whirl as they go,
We, left in shock, disbelief, and woe.
Ev’n in midst of horror, we still survive
And will know: Demons don’t just arrive
To break our bodies and steal our gold,
Rather, they try to ransom to Satan our souls.
So fight now and stand for the preborn’s cause!
Stand against tyranny and wicked laws,
Though in jail, your destination may wait,
In heaven, your reward shall be great!
Then last month, January, they went to trial. After six exhausting days and continual false accusations Vaugn and five others were found guilty. Here is a little excerpt from Bethany as they continue to trust their lives into God’s keeping:
“On January 30, 2024, a Nashville jury, after about 3 hours of deliberation, found all 6 defendants guilty on all charges, (each defendant had 2 charges each: FACE Act Violation and Conspiracy). A sentencing date is set for July 2, 2024. An appeal will be forthcoming. We walked out of the courthouse after the verdict and gathered with a large group of family and friends and sang to the Lord.
“While this is a heavy outcome for our family, it is still a glorious one that Christ has chosen for us to bear. Jesus is Lord and He rules and reigns from on high . . . His Story is the best story. If we believe Christ and we understand that we were born for such a time as this, we can rejoice wherever we find ourselves and trust that He who began a good work in us will be so faithful to complete that work He started! We can joyfully commit our souls to our faithful Creator and, though the storms rage all around us, be still and know that He is God!”
Please pray for the Vaugn family and the others who were also sentenced.
Go to this link to read more of the story:
If you didn’t get to hear the two interviews with Bethany Vaughn, you can go to these links:
Introducing Bethany Vaughn, wife of Paul Vaughn who faces up to 11 years in prison for saving babies. Bethany, mother of 11 children and 8 grandchildren (so far) tells the beginning of their story. And guess how Bethany was dressed when her husband proposed! Check it out.
These are the words our government and the FBI call God-loving, children-loving, freedom-loving families. Bethany Vaughn is with me again today as she tells the horrific story of how the FBI kidnapped her husband in the early hours of the morning at gunpoint, without even showing a warrant! Do you really know what is happening in our country?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Picture: Paul and Bethany Vaughn at the Court with their youngest daughter and four of their grandchildren.

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