WithoutWaiveringYesterday we talked about trusting in God rather than man-made vaccines. I think we should talk more about trust today. We glibly say to one another, “Trust in the Lord.” But it takes faith to trust God, doesn’t it? Oh, how He loves us to trust Him. It delights His heart, but He is grieved when we don’t trust Him.

Psalm 78 (read the whole psalm) talks about how God’s people would not trust Him even after all the miracles He did for them. They didn’t believe God could provide food for them in the wilderness. Verse 19 says: “Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”

God was furious with them “because they believed not in God, and TRUSTED NOT in his salvation.” (v. 22).

I think it is good to get into the habit of trusting God in the little things we face each day. Then we find it easier to trust Him in the big things. We can trust Him for what is happening in the nation right now, although I believe the fear that has entered so many people, and sad to say, even Christians, is worse than the virus itself.


How do we trust God? David cried to the Lord in Psalm 141:8: “MINE EYES ARE UNTO THEE, O God the Lord: IN THEE IS MY TRUST; leave not my soul destitute.” When we trust God, we have our eyes upon Him—not the difficulties, not the trauma, not the challenges. We get into the habit of our lifting our eyes to God and confessing, “I trust You, God. You are bigger than this challenge I face. I thank you that I can put all my weight upon you.”

Dear ladies this is the most wonderful thing. When we put our weight upon God, He does not cave. He will never fail us. He is our Rock and our Fortress. When we put our weight and our trust in man, man will usually fail us.

Isaiah 26:3 has always been God’s challenge to me every day as I raised my children and as I face daily life: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose MIND IS STAYED ON THEE: because he trusteth in thee.”

If our minds constantly regurgitate on our problems, we are not trusting God. We’re trusting in ourselves. When we lift our eyes to the Lord and confess our reliance and trust in Him, perfect peace fills our hearts.

Constantly keep your eyes in the right place!

To trust God is so much BETTER than to trust man. Psalm 118:6-9 says: “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? . . . It is BETTER to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is BETTER to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.”

When we trust in the Lord, we don’t have to hide. We don’t have to flee. David confesses in Psalm 11:1 (NLT): “I TRUST IN THE LORD FOR PROTECTION. So why do you say to me, ‘Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety!”

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell


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