WhereLookingWhere are you looking? To whom are you looking? Especially in this time of COVID-19 in the world. I hope you are not looking at all the negativity and “doom and gloom.” God wants us to look to HIM.

God calls to us, His people, in Isaiah 45:21, 22: “There is no God else beside me; a just God and a Savior; there is none beside me. LOOK UNTO ME, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else.”

This virus is going out to the ends of the earth, but God is bigger! This thing is under His feet. He doesn’t want you looking at all the projections (which are only “might be’s). He wants you to look to Him.

I can understand those who don’t know God becoming fearful because they are not looking to a Savior. But we have a Savior! Yes, a Savior!

If you are saved by the blood of Jesus, you will put your trust in your Savior. This word “yasha” is used twice in the above passage and 105 times in the Old Testament. It not only means that God is your Savior, but He is your Preserver, your Deliverer, your Defender, your Rescuer, Your Succorer, and your Avenger. It also means you will be made free.

Our trust in not in government, in hospitals, or vaccines! Our trust is in God.

Look to Him. Encourage your children to look to Hm. Encourage the people around you to Look to Him. As we look to our Savior, we have hope. When when we have hope, we live in joy and peace and divine health.

Be filled with joy and peace today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. A few weeks ago I did two podcasts about looking for the coming of the Lord, not only for His second coming, but for Him to come into every department of our lives now. I believe that as we look for His coming, we also look for Him in every aspect of our lives. We look to Him in this current crisis and as we LOOK TO HIM we are set free from all fear.

You can listen to these podcasts again:
86: https://www.buzzsprout.com/…/2655406-episode-no-86-even-so-…
87: https://www.buzzsprout.com/183665/2705560

P.P.S. If you really want to be encouraged and blessed out of your socks, go to your concordance and look up the 105 Scriptures which include the Hebrews word “yasha (2467). Read them over personally and share them with your family.

Then go the New Testament and read the 119 Scriptures for “sozo” (4982) which also means to be “saved, healed, protected, preserved, delivered, and made whole.”


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