WhatsYourPassionI thought that the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon because of his fame, wisdom, and all his riches. However, I noticed in 1 Kings 10:1 that there was more to her curiosity. Let’s read what it really says: “And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon CONCERNING THE NAME OF THE LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions.”
Her biggest interest was because of the name of the Lord. We notice this again in 1 Chronicles 2:1: “And Solomon determined to build a house FOR THE NAME OF THE LORD.” This was Solomon’s passion.
What is your passion as you build your home? Is it to have the most beautiful décor? Or do you want your home to be a home where the name of the Lord is honored, uplifted, and magnified? In every room. In every life. In the atmosphere.
The name of the Lord is so powerful. All God’s attributes are revealed in His names. Do we know these attributes? Are we experiencing them in our homes? Are we teaching these attributes to our children? May our children be in awe of His name. May people around know that our home belongs to the name of the Lord.
Through the name of Jesus we can defeat the devil, have power over temptation, and receive answers to prayer. We are more than conquerers through His name. His name is a strong tower into which we can run.
Does the fame of His name go out from your home to your neighborhood? Is your passion to build a home to honor the name of the Lord?
Blessings to your home today,
Nancy Campbell

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