WhatHappens1. When a mother leaves her home for another career, she leaves the sphere God intends for her. God gave us His plan at the very beginning in Genesis and it hasn’t changed. When Eve woke up to life, she woke up in her home, the place where God wanted her to be. God created Adam before the home but didn’t create Eve until He had the home ready for the woman.
2. When a mother leaves her home for another career, she leaves her babies and little children whom God has given to her as His love gift. When God gives a baby to a mother, He doesn’t give it to her to give to someone else to care for. He gives this precious child to her. Mothers and babies are not meant to be separated. They should be inseparable.
3. When a mother leaves her home for another career, she goes out to make another man wealthy. She serves him rather than her own husband. She will spend much finance on cars, gas, clothes, daycare, fast food etc. She would bless her husband more by being at home with the children and learning to make things from scratch at home. As my husband says: “A husband cannot afford for his wife to go to work outside the home. Too much is at stake.”
4. When a mother leaves her home for another career, she is no longer fulfilling the biblical pattern God has given in His Word. I know this is not easy for those whose husbands have left them without provision and they must do something to feed their families, but I am speaking generally.
5. When a mother leaves her home for another career her children are deprived. No other woman, no matter how caring and efficient, can take the place of a mother. No one but the mother truly senses the needs of her child. Now stats are showing that in some daycares children are being abused mentally and psychologically.
6. When a mother leaves her home for another career there is no one at home guarding and guiding the home. We as mothers are watchdogs of our homes. We are the guarders and protectors of our children—body, soul, and spirit. Satan has the opportunity to make inroads into the hearts and minds of our children when they are left unattended. What happens to children who come home from school and their mother is still at work? This is Satan’s plan, to get mothers out of the home, so he can influence the children!
Can I leave you with this Scripture from Micah 2:9: “The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant chouses from their children have ye taken away my glory forever.” God sees the home as the children’s glory. It is their inheritance. He intends for them to be raised in the home. Here are some other translations:
Knox: “And you would dispossess its women of the homes they loved, take away from its children my glory for ever.”
NET: “You defraud their children of their prized inheritance.”
Be encouraged in God’s ways today, Nancy Campbell
Painting by Renee Graef.

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