BlissPsalm 144 ends with the wonderful words: “Blessed are the people to whom such blessings fall!” (Psalm 144:15 (ESV).

Who are these blessed people? And what are the blessings that fall upon them?

Before I answer, let’s look at some other translations to see how they describe “esher,” the double happy word.

“O THE HAPPINESS of the people that is thus” (Young’s Literal Translation)

“HOW BLESSED are the people who experience these things!” (New English Translation).

“WHAT BLISS we experience when these blessings fall!” (The Passion Translation)

Now let’s discover the blessings. We find the first blessings in verse 12. All about our children. God always puts first things first. It describes our sons as well-nurtured plants, flourishing in their youth. We do not keep them like little boys but instead raise them to maturity. The Young’s translation says they are “BECOMING GREAT in their youth.” Did you notice those words? In their youth. Not when they are older.

How sad to see young men today, already in their twenties, and yet still immature. Not ready to take on the responsibility of marriage and family. Sometimes still relying on their families when they should be establishing a new godly family themselves.

Let’s raise our boys to become men who know how to take responsibility. That means gradually giving them responsibility in their youth. To see this happening in your sons is bliss!

Verse 12 then speaks about our daughters growing up strong and beautiful like pillars in a palace. They are preparing to be queens of their own domains. They are fit for royalty. They do not succumb to the worldly and fleshly spirit that woos so many young girls. To watch our daughters grow up pure and godly, prepared, and ready to raise families is also great bliss.

But we must go back further. For these wonderful blessings to happen we must pray the prayer David prayed and to take a stand against deception and evil like David did. David prayed two times in this psalm: “Deliver me and save me from these dark powers who speak nothing but lies. Their words are pure deceit and you can’t trust anything they say. Deliver us!” (Psalm 144:11 (TPT).

In other words, we must keep our children from deception and evil. That means their education. Sadly, today, our public education is being taken over by socialist, liberal mindset. The transgender mandate is now promoted in our schools. Muslim teaching is included in our textbooks, but not Christianity. We won’t grow children described in this psalm while we allow them to be duped and deceived by these evils.

When we raise godly children other blessings automatically follow. Let’s read all the blessings that make the people of a nation happy from The Passion Translation:

“Then our homes will be happy. Our sons will grow up as strong, sturdy men and our daughters with graceful beauty, royally fashioned as for a palace. Our barns will be filled to the brim, overflowing with the fruits of our harvest. Our fields will be full of sheep and cattle, too many to count, and our livestock will not miscarry their young. Our enemies will not invade our land, and there’ll be no breach in our walls. Whet bliss we experience when these blessings fall! The people who love and serve our God will be happy indeed!”

Amen and Amen!

Nancy Campbell


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