DaddyNightYes, I know there are loads of obstacles as you seek to establish a positive family meal table with your family. But dear mothers, we don’t give up. We look for ways through the challenges.
I remember one time talking to my eldest son who was going through some incredible challenges in his company and losing millions of dollars. I remember saying to him with great compassion, “How are you getting on with all those problems?” He looked at me incredulously and replied, “Mother I don’t have problems. I only have challenges!” And of course, he found a way through the challenges.
Let ‘s look at one of the problems that came up on the thread yesterday in response to my post, SATAN DOES NOT WANT FAMILY TOGETHNESS. Just typing this heading again, I am reminded why there are so many challenges! Of course, it’s because of this very truth, Satan does not want family togetherness! But are you going to let him have the victory? Never. You will find a way to overcome.
Here's a question from yesterday: “What can Mom do if Dad won't bother coming to the table and even brings his cell phone when he does show up?” Yes, this is a sad state of affairs. I think that many husbands have not grown up in homes where the family sat around the dinner table together, let alone had family devotions together. And therefore, they have no concept of the blessing of this family togetherness or of its importance.
But we’ve got to change that. So what can you do? You don’t stay on the negative. You go to the positive. Begin planning a special meal for your family and husband. Think about what you will cook. Some special dish that your husband loves. And then gear up your children. You’ll need to start a day or two before.
“Children, on Thursday evening (or whatever night you choose), we are going to have a special Daddy Night. I want you all to make a lovely card for Daddy. You can draw a picture and then write something special you love about Daddy. Make it as lovely as you can. And then we are going to give it to him on our special Daddy Night. And we are all going to get dressed up as though we were going to something special!” The little children will be able to draw a picture if they cannot write.
Then prepare your husband. “Darling, on Thursday evening we are going to be having a very special family meal. Just making sure you’ll be home that night.”
Now when it comes to the night, get your children all excited. Put on a tablecloth and set the table beautifully. Get the children to help you with it all. Light candles for the table. Get one of the children to make a beautiful centerpiece. And then place all the children’s cards on your husband’s plate. He can either read them immediately or you could ask him to read them out loud as you are eating the meal together.
Oh yes, you could even make a special dessert too! Now your husband may have brought his phone to the table out of habit, but I am sure he won’t even have time to look at it! He will be so blessed! It will change his attitude toward the table.
Do something special like this (make it different each time) at least once a week. Little by little your husband will begin to see the wonder of the family meal table. As you make your family meal creative and exciting, the iPhone will be boring in comparison.
Loads of love,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. Also look up this link to read about this wonderful family mealtime.
The Shabbat Meal - No. 133 (aboverubies.org)

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