WellTaughtHow well-taught are your children? In answering this question many mothers refer to the school or college to which they send their children, perhaps the best private school they can find in their area. Parents like their children to go to the most prestigious school possible.
God wants our children to be well-taught. But how does He want them to be taught? Isaiah 54:13 says: “All thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” The highest education our children can receive is to be “taught of the LORD.”
How does God teach them? Through His people, but the best teacher a child can have is a godly mother who teaches her children God’s words and ways--a mother whose highest aim is to richly fill her children with the knowledge and wisdom of God.
God shows us in His Word the way He wants us to do this (Deuteronomy 6:6-9 and Isaiah 28:10).
The word “taught” in Isaiah 54:13 is “limmud” and means “learned, trained, skilled, and accustomed. It also means to be a disciple.” Are your children “accustomed” to God’s Word? I find so many children and teens from Christian homes are not familiar with God’s Word. They know more about the spirit of the world than the Spirit of God. They are more familiar with the names of Hollywood stars and singers than God’s Word.
A wonderful blessing is to teach your children how to hear the voice of God speak to them personally. When you read God’s Word to your children (or when they read it themselves) encourage them to not only read the words, but to listen for the Holy Spirit speak to their hearts. When you read together, ask the children: “As we read, I want you to listen to what God is saying to your heart. When we have finished, I want you to tell us all what God said to you.”
You will be amazed at how God speaks to your children. We must get them into the habit of listening to the Holy Spirit. The greatest thing you can do is teach them to hear God speak to them personally from His precious Word. This way they will get to LOVE GOD’S WORD. It will become increasingly personal to them. It will become LIFE to them.
Be encouraged today,
Nancy Campbell

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