TreasuringBabiesA father shares the joys of his new baby—

As I sit on the couch and hold my sweet baby girl
My thoughts start drifting and my mind begins to whirl,
This precious soul, a gift from Heaven sent to me,
There’s not another like her, specially created for our family.

Bringing a soul into the world is not a fluke or chance thing,
It takes a cooperation between God and human beings,
A man and woman cannot decide whether or not life will begin,
God is the only one who can set life into motion.

If I asked anyone—secular, conservative, any background or color
How much is my baby worth? Can you set a value in dollars?
Each and every one, without any hesitation or delay
Will emphatically proclaim she is priceless, no price could be named!

It is therefore quite perplexing and contrary to common sense
That these same people would chase after checks loaded with dollars and cents
While consciously fleeing away from what is determined a gift
beyond valuation,
A priceless treasure, straight from Heaven, a blessing, the future of the

If you have never possessed a priceless treasure,
If you have never looked into your baby’s eyes and experienced joy beyond measure
Go now, young pilgrim, and pioneer this path,
Worthless things are not worth your time; you do the math.

Your treasures are waiting for you to take action!
So go now, don’t delay to begin this heavenly transaction!

~ By Zac Waller

Zac and Becca Waller are blessed with Asaph (7), Shlomo (6), Nechemyah (4 ), Elkanah (2), Emunah (1) and they are looking forward to receiving their sixth treasure this coming December. Their children have Hebrew names because they live and work in the Heartland of Israel with HaYovel.
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