ToweringEzekiel 19:10, 11 NLT says: “Your mother was like a vine planted by the water’s edge. It had lush, green foliage because of the abundant water. . .. It grew very tall, towering above all others. It stood out because of its height and its many lush branches”
Read the whole passage in Ezekiel 18:10-14. It is an allegory about Judah, but God likens her to a mother.
Therefore, as we behold this picture, we see God’s heart for motherhood. God holds motherhood in high esteem. In this one passage He uses THREE different Hebrew words to describe the magnitude of motherhood. Let’s look at them.
Verse 10 tell us that “her STATURE was exalted among the thick branches . . .” The word stature is qowmah meaning “high, tall.” It comes from a root word koom meaning “to rise.” Motherhood is a high calling. It is higher than all other careers for women. The New Living Translation says that it “towers above all others.”
God established motherhood at the very beginning of the world. He stated his plan for the mother and father before anyone had even seen a mother and father (Genesis 2:24). Because it is God’s plan the devil hates it and seeks to destroy it.
He is the mastermind behind all the humanistic and feministic education that woos women out of the home. The devil doesn’t want women in the home. He wants them out of the home. He entices them into the world God created for men and makes them think that’s where they are meant to be! But he is the deceiver and a liar. He is the father of lies. Jesus said in John 8:44: “When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” We cannot listen to one word he says!
The next word God uses is EXALTED. The Hebrew is gabah and it means “To soar, mount up, raise up to a great height, exalt.” Dear mother, God doesn’t want you groveling around in your misery and unhappiness. He wants you to understand His plan and come into the glory of motherhood. It’s time for you to rise up! To mount up to all that God has planned for you in your great career of motherhood.
When you feel full of self-pity and wonder why you are stuck in your home, remember that it is the devil filling you with his lies. Resist him in the name of Jesus and embrace God’s will and plan for your life. When you embrace it, you will rise up into the glory of it.
The third word is in verse 11: “She appeared in her height with the multitude of her branches.” The word HEIGHT is gobahh meaning “elation, grandeur, excellency, height.” It is the same word that is used to describe the height of Heaven in Job 11:8.
The HCSB translation says: “It was conspicuous for its height.” The NET says: “It reached up into the clouds. It stood out because of its height and its many branches.”
What amazing descriptions God has given for motherhood. As you raise godly children, your “strong and sturdy branches” you are involved in the greatest career in the nation. You impact the nation. You determine what this nation will be like because a nation is only as strong as the strengths of its marriages and families.
Rise up today into your high and noble calling.
Be encouraged and blessed,
Nancy Campbell

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