Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

We read the story of Jael in our Family Devotions yesterday, a rather bloodthirsty story, where Jael, a wife in the home, hammered a tent peg through General Sisera’s temple. Let’s read it: “Her left hand reached for the tent peg, her right hand for the workmen’s hammer. She hammered Sisera, she shattered his skull, she smashed his head, she drove the tent peg through his temple . . .” You can read the whole story in Judges 4:17-23 and 5:24-31.
And God’s words says: “Most blessed of all women is Jael . . . most blessed of homemaking women.”
Why would she be honored for doing such a bloodthirsty deed? Every story in the Bible is a lesson for us. The enemy came right into Jael’s home, but knowing he was the enemy, she plucked up courage to annihilate him. It would have taken much courage. If she had missed with the hammer, he would have killed her.
We all face many subtle enemies that come into our homes. Satan, the enemy of our souls and our homes, lurks around waiting to bring his insidious ways into our family lives. He doesn’t do it blatantly, but little by little, so sometimes we don’t even notice. That’s why we must be continually on the alert—and especially over all social media where Satan is winning his greatest victories.
Mothers, we watch dogs over our home and over the souls of each of our children. We are the watch dogs of society. Our society is a reflection of the homes of our society. Sadly, today, we live in a worldly, godless, and deceived society. That’s why we must watch and pray and be more alert than ever. It is godly homes, adhering to God’s word and His truth that will change society.
We must be brave and courageous to stand against all evil in our homes, and in society around us. We must take a stand. We can’t be silent. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer says: “Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.”
All God’s people, including mothers, should be part of destroying the “Canaanite culture” in our society. That doesn’t mean we have to get out of our homes to war against it. No. We start facing it in our own home. Jael didn’t even have to go out of the home to conquer the enemy. And God honored her for dealing with it in her home. This is where it starts.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell