HMTipsDear ladies, This week I am going to send out to you some tips for mothering and homemaking. The first one has 50 tips so I’ll send out 25 today and the next 25 tomorrow. I found them again from an article in an old Above Rubies! Trust you’ll be blessed.
~ Nancy
1. Write things to do on a list and plan your day. You most probably won’t get through your list, but at least you have a plan.
2. Make a game of household chores as you do them with your children.
3. Make your schedule your servant, not your master.
4. Play a game or have a competition while doing the chores with your children.
5. Enlist the children to fold the laundry and put it away.
6. Teach your children: “Don’t put it down, put it away.”
7. Teach your older children to wash and dress the younger ones.
8. Play peaceful Christian music in your home.
9. Do you daily exercises with your children.
10. Go on a journey with your children through an old photograph album. They love seeing old family pictures.
11. Gather your children around you and read to them when they are bouncing off the walls. Reading stories quietens them all down.
12. Wear clothing that is comfortable and easy to maintain.
13. Talk less, listen more.
14. Eliminate or restrict the amount of caffeine in your diet.
15. Take a nice warm shower or bath.
16. Sit down and sing some songs with your children.
17. Take the children (and the dog) for a walk.
18. Be practical when buying household furniture etc. Expensive items spell stress.
19. Do a kind deed for someone else. Include your children as this trains them to do kind deeds too.
20. Put a special stick-on pen by the phone with a pad for messages.
21. Leave the kitchen clean and tidy every night.
22. Train your children to politely answer the phone and door.
23. Be prepared to change your plans.
24. Don’t ignore problems but tackle them head on.
25. Do your shopping on off-hours during off-days to avoid crowds.
Reprinted from Above Rubies magazine.

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