MomChildWe read Deuteronomy 2:10 in our Family Devotions this morning: “And all the people of the earth shall see that thou art called by name of the LORD: and they shall be afraid of thee.”

At first, I thought, Are the people who reject God afraid of His people? I don’t think so. They despise us and many times lord over us.

But then I thought again. Yes, they are afraid of what we stand for! The first thing God established when He created the world was the institution of marriage and family. Because it is God’s design and His idea, Satan hates it. He seeks to undermine and destroy it every way he can. He loves to pull marriages apart and distort the image of God because marriage is a picture of Christ, the Bridegroom, and His church.

And he is desperate to destroy motherhood. Through the mediums of feminism and humanistic deception the devil woos woman out of the home. He deceives them from knowing they are in the most important career in the nation. The fact is, Satan fears motherhood. That’s why he wants to eradicate it!

He knows that he doesn’t have any power over the women who know who God created them to be—women who embrace motherhood and their home. Women who leave their careers, which are only a passing phase, to pour their lives into an eternal work that will last forever. Women who willingly embrace the children God gives them and are filled with a divine passion to instill God’s principles into their lives and raise mighty young men and women for God.

Satan can’t get his hands on these children because they have a mother guarding over them in the home. She determines the education of her children. And she is at home to fill them minds with God’s truth and a biblical worldview. She is preparing them to go out into the world, strong and bold, to stand against the wolves!

Dearest mother, you are the devil’s biggest problem! Lift up your head. Stand strong in who you are as a mother. Don’t ever give into his temptations and wily deceptions. You are in the most powerful career for women in the nation. You are employed by God, the King of kings and Lord of lords. You determine the destiny of the nation.

And remember, the devil is afraid of the power of motherhood.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir


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