WarWombI am meditating on the awesomeness of Christ coming into this world. Bible commentators agree that Jesus was not born at this Christmas time when the world remembers His birth. He would most probably have been born about the month of September during the Feast of Tabernacles. However, this is most probably that time that He was divinely conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost. Incredible. God coming to the earth as a "seed" from the Father.
Yes, He came as a “seed” and yet He was the King of kings.
Although it happened without the world knowing, it was the most powerful event in history. Christ, the Son of God, growing inside a mother's womb, becoming flesh, dying, and shedding His blood for our sins, and bruising the head of Satan. Although it was all prophesied, it was not how the Jews expected their Messiah to come.
But from the womb of a lowly woman God brought forth His Son to fulfill His plan for the ages. He came as a baby, but it was to deal a death blow to the enemy, to bruise his head (Colossians 2:14 and Hebrews 2:14-18). This is a time to remember that we are in a battle, a battle between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light.
God spoke to the serpent in Genesis 3:15 (NET): "I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel." Satan still tries to bruise our heel, but Christ has bruised his head and He will have the final victory when all nations and all people will be brought into subjection to His power and authority.
One translation of Genesis 3:15states: "There will be war." There is still a war against the womb of the woman. Satan tried to prevent Jesus, the Holy Son of God, being born into this world. Because he hates life, and especially the godly seed, he continues to stop children being born into this world. He brings his deception to women to deny the fruit of their womb. So many women today do not value their womb even though it is their most distinguishing feature as a woman. So of course, they cannot even answer the question, “What is a woman?”
Let's not be tricked by the devil's plan.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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