TheTrendI am sure we are all aware that about 10.00 pm each evening and onwards the activity on the Internet, and especially Facebook, escalates. This also happens on the Homeschooling media. It seems that this is "mommy time" for many women. After the day with the children mothers are ready for "time on their own" and to pan out.

However, I believe we have to watch this temptation. Maybe a couple of nights a week, but please, not every night. Schedules are different in every home, but most times this is the time that should be "husband and wife" time. It's time to go to bed together--talk, pray, cuddle, fellowship, and whatever else! When you leave your husband to go to bed on his own, you are not building your marriage relationship. It may seem insignificant, but when it happens night after night you give opportunity for the enemy to bring distance in your relationship, and even sexual temptation to your husband.

Now please don't think I'm preaching at you. I have most probably been the most guilty of all. I am a workaholic and for years, after the evening meal and devotions, I would work on Above Rubies until I could not keep my eyes open. I thought I had to drain every bit of life out of me before I hit the sack. But I have had to repent of this lifestyle. It's not conducive to the ultimate blessing of a marriage relationship.

We've always had a great marriage, but it's amazing how incredibly better it can be when you make time for your husband instead of yourself.

I know it's hard not to give into this media trend temptation, but building your marriage will bring far greater blessings to you and your husband, your family, and even to future generations.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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