TableOfGodI began writing about the table of shewbread and I’m on a role. Lots more thoughts to share with you.

Did you know that the Table of Shewbread is also called by other names? It is called the “continual table,” the “pure table,” the “table of the presence,” and the “table of ordering.”

On the table the priests were to place twelve loaves of bread each week. The bread sat on the table in the presence of the Lord for one week before replacing them with twelves new loaves. The priests would then eat the bread that was taken off the table and fellowship together in the presence of the Lord. They did not eat stale bread as the bread stayed warm and fresh as it lay in the presence of the Lord.

The bread upon the table was also called “the bread of the presence.” The Hebrew is “lechem hapanim,” meaning “bread of faces.” Not one face, but many faces. The bread speaks of Jesus Christ who is our daily provision, sustenance, and nourishment. Jesus came as “the bread of LIFE.”  Our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ does not have only one attribute, but many attributes or “faces.” He is everything we need. He is the God who is Enough.

Not only does the bread speak of the many revelations of His character, but the bread also reveals the truth of God’s people living in His presence. God wanted twelve loaves of bread to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. We who have come to Christ are in Him. We also are in the continual presence and watchfulness of God.

It’s interesting that this table was made of acacia wood, a very common tree, speaking of Christ’s humanity but it was covered with pure gold, speaking of His divinity. It also applies to us at our tables. We come to our tables with all our children and little ones and I am sure you agree with me that many times it’s very “earthy”!

Nothing goes perfect. We are in the process of training children to sit up, we are stopping quarrels, and seeking to keep order. But God understands. He wants us to invite Him to our tables. He wants to come. He wants to come and cover our humanity with His divinity! Isn’t that wonderful?

The Table of Shewbread is the picture of the very first table. It is the picture of the provision of food for the physical and the spiritual man. Each time we come to the table we feed our bodies, but we take time at the end of the meal to open God’s Word and receive revelations of His truth and divine character. Remember, we eat the Bread of Faces. Many faces. Never ending. New revelations every day. Always fresh.

It was called the “continual table” and the “continual bread” because it was always on the table. Exodus 25:30 (NET) states: “You are to set the Bread of the Presence on the table before me CONTINUALLY.”

As the priest changed the bread each week, one set of priests would be ready to place the new bread on the table as another group of priests took the previous bread off the table. There was to be no lapse between the changeover.

Make your table a place for the presence of the Lord. Invite Him to your table. Bask in His presence. Be renewed as you feed from Jesus Christ, the Bread of many Faces.

In His love, Nancy Campbell

P.S. Scriptures that speak about the Table of Shewbread:
Exodus 25:23-30; 37:10-16; Leviticus 24:5-9; Numbers 4:4, 7, 8; 1 Chronicles 23:29; 2 Chronicles 2:4; 13:11; and 29:18.

Picture: “Little House on the Prairie” by Renée Graef.


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