ReaffirmDid you watch the debate last night? It was very sad to see Joe Biden, staring-eyed and in such an incoherent state. His wife and those behind him should be ashamed for allowing him to speak in such a weakened state.
But I was also sad to hear Donald Trump state his latest position on abortion. It truly grieved my heart. Although, on the whole, he believes in life, he stated that he also believed in exceptions. But there can be no exceptions when it comes to life. If it’s life and there is a heartbeat, you cannot destroy the baby. It is murder.
I personally know people who were conceived through incest, and they are living a beautiful life today. I personally know people who were conceived through rape and yet are living a happy life today. There are mothers who are happily married and now giving life to their own children who were conceived through rape. Even though it is a dreadful thing to go through, we have no excuse to kill an innocent baby.
What do we do about Donal Trump? We must pray for him. And we must continue to vote for him. We have no alternative. The democrat stance on abortion is horrific. They allow babies to be killed up to the third trimester. Even just before they are born. And even after they are born! Plus, they are destroying this country with their Marxist ideologies. And even not to vote gives a vote for this extreme socialism.
Trump is still the most prolife president. He enabled Roe v. Wade to be revoked and we need to read again the statement he made on January 17, 2021: “Every human life is a gift to the world. Whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick, every person is made in the holy image of God. The Almighty Creator gives unique talents, beautiful dreams, and a great purpose to every person. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we celebrate the wonder of human existence and renew our resolve to build a culture of life where every person of every age is protected, valued, and cherished.”
Keep praying for this man. Instead of complaining, pray. God will do mighty things through our prayers.
Nancy Campbell
Today's Scripture regarding Israel:

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