MerryHeartedLast week we talked about nesting in the home. But we must look at something more in Psalm 113:9 which describes the mother as JOYFUL. Did you know that God equates motherhood with joy? And it’s not an average kind of joy. It’s exceeding joy.

The Hebrew word is “sameach.” It means “to be blithe and gleeful, to be merry-hearted.” It’s the same word used in Proverbs 14:13: “A MERRY HEART maketh a cheerful countenance.” And again, in Proverbs 17:22: “A MERRY HEART doeth good like a medicine.”

But there’s more. It’s the same word that is used when people drink wine and get happy (Isaiah 14:7). When you are “eating and drinking, and making merry” (1 Kings 4:20). It’s the same word that was used when Solomon was made king and the people “rejoiced with GREAT JOY, so that the earth rent with the sound of them" (1 Kings 1:40). Did you get that? The HCSB makes it clearer: “rejoicing with such a great joy that the earth split open from the sound.”

This the joy of motherhood! “This is a bit over-the-top” you exclaim! Dear mothers, it’s meant to be over-the-top! God is not average or ordinary in any way. He doesn’t only give us life, He gives us ABUNDANT life. He not only gives us joy, but EXCEEDING joy and “JOY UNSPEAKABLE and FULL OF GLORY” (1 Peter 1:8).

So, why aren’t mothers joyful? Unfortunately, most women are brainwashed against motherhood by in-laws, out-laws, the media, and the education system. They are told that motherhood is an insignificant career and they should be doing something more beneficial. Because of this they have the wrong attitude about motherhood, and if you have the wrong attitude, you’re not going to be very happy.

The truth is that God created you for motherhood. Your body is created for this purpose. When God gives you children to raise in your home you are in the very perfect will of God. God does not see motherhood as insignificant. He exalts motherhood (Ezekiel 19:10,11), He glorifies motherhood (Hosea 9:11), and He enthrones motherhood (Psalm 113:9 Sugden).

How do we get into the joy?
1. Embrace the truth. When you know the truth, it sets you free to be who you are!
2. Acknowledge that you are in His perfect will.
3. Confess the truth. It’s not enough to know the truth, you must confess the truth. Your words determine your life. What you speak is what you become. Therefore, Therefore, thank God for the joy of being a mother. Speak out loud: “I am a joyful mother,” “I love being a mother,” or “Motherhood is my greatest career.”
4. Change your attitude. Your words and your attitude affect your life. The wrong attitude makes you miserable. The right attitude fills you with joy.
5. Purpose to be joyful. Joy has nothing to do with feelings or circumstances. Anyone can be happy when everything is going according to plan. But life isn’t like that. It’s full of challenges and difficulties which must be overcome. But this is how we mature in life. This is how we become one of the overcomers! Jesus Christ is filled with joy and He dwells in you if you have embraced Him into your life. Therefore, you can live His life of joy, no matter what circumstances you face or what your lying feelings are telling you. Come to the place of living by the truth rather than by your feelings or the lies that society tells you.

May you have the most wonderful and joyful day in your home,

Love from Nancy Campbell


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