I am continuing to answer comments from I LOVE HOME. Another dear mother writes, “I'm with you to a point, but I miss working as a nurse and I feel locked up like Rapunzel while constantly at home.” This mother is obviously a very caring and nurturing person as this is what nursing is all about it. Nursing is only an extension of mothering. So why not be the greatest nurse and mother in your own home? Not only to your children, but to the hurting and needy around?

The home is primarily a nurturing center, a sanctuary to nurture and raise our children. But it is also the hub where everything happens from birth to the grave.

Dear mother, you are the one who determines the status of your home. You can keep it boring where nothing much happens, or you can make it the most exciting place in the world where so much is happening that you no longer have any time to think about yourself.

Ask God to give you a vision for your home? Which mother would He like you to invite for lunch, to bless her and her children and bring encouragement into their lives? Which family would He like you to ask for an evening meal or Sunday dinner after church to encourage and enrich their lives? Perhaps you feel you cannot afford to have extra people in your home. Let me give you a secret. You’ll eat better when you reach out in hospitality than when you keep to yourself. Try it and see.

Have you thought of inviting a few widows to your home and giving them a special meal and evening, and arrange a concert where your children entertain them with all their gifts. What about a club for children in your neighborhood to tell them about Jesus?

Why not start a weekly prayer meeting in your home? A prayer meeting for Israel, for your community, or for the nation. This nation is languishing because of lack of prayer. You can turn that around!

We live out in the woods of Tennessee, but we are never lonely. There is hardly a moment when the house is not filled with people and folks coming and going. I believe the

What is your gift, your passion, and your vision? Make it happen in your home. This is where God wants it to take place, because remember; the home is where everything is meant to happen!

Love from Nancy

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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ