DarkValleysAnother DOUBLE HAPPY for you today. Let’s look at Psalm 84:5 (ESV): “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.”

When we seek to find strength in ourselves, we fail, but when we find our strength in the Lord we will live in victory. Who is our God? He is our Strength. Yes, dear mother, that is one of His names. You can draw from His strength. Confess that He is your strength. Rely on His strength. And what happens? You’ll be HAPPY!

This passage goes on to say in verses 6 and 7: “As they go through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the early ran also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion.”

What is the “valley of Baca”? “Baca” comes from a root word “bakhah” meaning “to weep.” It can be translated “the valley of weeping” or “the valley of affliction.” The New Living Translation and Young’s Literal Translation translate it this way.

Are you going through a valley? A valley that is so dark and treacherous that it is literally a valley of weeping? Dear precious wife and mother, even in this dark valley, God is still your strength. When you trust God to be your strength, this valley will become a fountain, a spring of fresh water!

And you will go “FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH.” From one degree of strength to a stronger degree of strength.

Did you know that we become stronger in the battle? Hebrews 11:34 reminds us of the great heroes of the faith who “out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in the fight.” They began in weakness but became stronger in the battle.

There’s another valley we often go through, “the valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23:4). This Scripture is often used at funerals, speaking of death. Yes, it is a comfort to those sorrowing, but it’s not about death. It’s about what we go through in life.

Do you notice that it says that we “WALK through” this valley? It tells the story of the shepherd who takes his sheep from one pasture to another. He is not able to take them over the mountain and therefore must go through the valley. Some of these valleys in Israel were dark and gloomy, filled with danger of wild animals and robbers, and eerie shadows. The sheep would never survive a few steps without their shepherd watching over them.

Remember, when you walk through your dark and scary valleys, that your Shepherd never forsakes you. He is with you all the way. He is your Strength, no matter how difficult the way. He will bring you through and you will be stronger when you get to the other side.

Notice again that you “walk THOUGH.” You come through to the other side. He doesn’t leave you in the dark and dangerous valley. His purpose is to bring you THROUGH to the other side. Into a large place. A blessed place.

Put your strength in God’s strength today.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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