BigQuestionIn this marriage passage in Malachi 2 that we are pondering, the question comes forth: “What does God want from your union?” We wait for the answer.
Let’s read it: “That he might seek as godly seed.”
It is true that God ordained marriage for intimate companionship which every one of us were born for. He ordained the “holy estate” marriage to satisfy the sexual desires He put. But ultimately He ordained marriage for the brining forth of children. We see this in the very first words God spoke into the ears of man: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:28).
The New Living Translation says: “Didn’t the LORD make you one with your wife? In body and spirit you are his. And what does he want? Godly children from your union.”
The Berean Study Bible says: “Has not the LORD made them one . . . And why one? Because he seeks godly offspring.”
Therefore, a young couple are not ready to marry if they are not prepared to embrace children. To go into marriage with the plan to stop children for a certain length of time is not God’s will. To stop God visiting you with His gift of life for any human reason (even “spiritual sounding” reasons) is not God’s will.
I know more than one couple who stopped having children because they were in “the ministry” and wanted to serve God. These couples have the wrong concept of God and the Bible. The perfect will of God will never negate God’s existing commandments.
God desires and looks for children from the marriage union. If we don’t want children, we have a different mindset than God. We are not in step with Him.
And it is not just children He looks for. It is “godly” children. The word is “elohim.” This is one of the names of God. The very first name of God revealed to us in His word in Genesis 1:1.
God looks for goodly couples who will bring forth His children and who will train them in righteousness, justice, and godliness (Genesis 18:19). Who will faithfully teach them God’s ways. Who will pray daily for them that they will be conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29) and reveal His image in this earth.
This is the highest purpose for marriage. When we refuse this command, we deny God. We deny His image in the world. We deny our own blessings. And we deny filling eternity.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell

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