10mindayI heard Tucker Carlson share on YouTube, asking everyone in this nation to pray for at least 10 minutes a day for this nation. This comes from a secular news anchor, not a pastor. We should be hearing this clarion call from pastors all over the nation.
I believe it comes back to families. Family is the first institution God ordained and everything should begin in the family. Prayer should begin in the family. I believe it is the responsibility of every God-fearing family to pray for the nation. I know we are all grieved and concerned at the wickedness that is now openly displayed in this nation. How can we not cry out to God for His mercy and deliverance?
Can I encourage you, dear parents, to gather your family together night and morning to read God’s Word together and pray for this nation? Teach your children how to pray for the nation. God hears the prayers of children as much as adults. We not only do this every day in our home, but we also have two prayer meetings a week for the nation here on the Hilltop.
I wished I could have taken picture on Wednesday night at our prayer meeting at Sam and Serene’s home. Not only parents, but children and young people filled every space, even down to the little toddlers and babies going to sleep on the floor. Prayer is not just for adults. It’s for the whole family.
I am always challenged by this Scripture in Jeremiah 10:25: “Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name.” Wow, that’s powerful, isn’t it? If we as a family are not calling upon the name of the Lord, we may as well be a heathen family.
Just think of what could happen if every God-loving family began to intercede with their families each day for great repentance and revival in this nation. God has promised that He will hear our prayers. We all know 2 Chronicles 7:14 by heart, but are we doing it?
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and PRAY, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will HEAL THEIR LAND.”
Love and blessings from Nancy Campbell
Painting: “The Family at Prayer” by Haddon Sundblom

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