TableclothsTo use or not to use.

I recently talked to a friend from a different state who was staying in our home. As I spread the tablecloth in readiness for supper, she said “I don’t know one other mother among my homeschooling group who uses tablecloths.”

“Do you like naked tables?” I asked.

Just as I clothe myself, I love to clothe my table when we sit to eat. Dear young mothers with little darlings all around you, please don’t turn off as you read this It is possible to use tablecloths even when your children are little. You can purchase a pretty tablecloth and a large piece of clear plastic. Place the plastic over the tablecloth and all you need to do is wipe it down at the end of the meal. You need to wipe down the table anyway, and it’s just as easy to wipe the plastic.

There are seasons in life. When my children were little, I used plastic over my tablecloth. Now the children have grown, I no longer need to do this. I am amazed that I don’t have to wash my tablecloth every time we sit for a meal. I find I can use it several times before I notice marks on it. Plus, I like to use different tablecloths throughout the week.

I have a great supply of tablecloths and look for them at Goodwill. I have pretty pieces of material I use as tablecloths. I have some that have been given as gifts, but I’ve never spent a lot of money on them.

I am writing this in reply to some of the comments to the picture of table below. One person wrote: “I don't have the means to set a beautiful table. My plates are all mismatched. Tablecloths are all stained, and candles are a luxury.”

Do you know that it is possible to set a beautiful table even when you don’t have much? Get your children involved. They love to make things beautiful and they are very creative. It may not look professional, but it will be special. Get them to go outside and find some flowers or greenery to put in a vase for the table. Teach them how to set the table correctly. Give each child a turn and encourage them to make the table as creative as they can. It will become a competition with the children to see who can make it the best.

Children should see that the table is the heart of the home. The more effort we put into making it beautiful, the more these memories will be implanted into their hearts.

I think we have placed a low status upon the table in our society today. Let’s lift the standard. I remember reading in John McCain’s book, “Faith of my Fathers” about how his parents came to each evening meal dressed for the occasion, his father in an evening suit and his mother in a long evening gown. I’m not saying we should do this, but it showed the importance they place on the family meal table back in those days.

My husband always comes to the table dressed appropriately. Never in work clothes. He always changes and dresses suitably. Usually in his suit coat.

Another lady writes about the picture below: “I think it’s lovely! However, I don’t have money, or space to buy or store all those beautiful dishes!” Nor do I. I don’t own beautiful heirloom china like my dear friend in the picture below. Most of my dishes come from Goodwill. You can gradually gather sets of the same color. Sometimes I use a different dish for each person for the evening supper. You don’t do the same thing every evening. But you can always make it special.

Another mother says: “I want things simple, so I can focus on my friends and family.” Good statement. People are always more important than things. The children are far more important than the tablecloth and plates. But don’t negate these things, dear mothers. Even if you can’t do it in your most busy seasons (maybe a new baby in the home), do it as you can.

My goal for every meal is to “Make every meal a love affair.”

Love from Nancy Campbell



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