SharpSensesMost animals have sharp senses in order to detect danger. Have you watched a dog prick up his ears? He hears or senses someone coming before our ears ever hear them.

Hebrews 5:14 talks about those “who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” It is important to keep our spiritual senses heightened and on alert. They can easily become dull and insensitive.

How do we keep them sharp? The margin of my Bible explains “reason of use” to be a habit. Another translation says it is by “constant use.” When we constantly use our senses to discern what is good or evil, they become sharpened. We are not conditioned or dulled by this humanistic society, but daily sharpen our minds in God’s Word. That’s the only place to receive discernment. If we don’t know what God says about a subject, we won’t have God’s discernment about it.

We have a responsibility to train our children to have sharp spiritual senses in this deceived world. That means we must put God’s Word into them daily so that it is the habit of their lives to constantly discern what is righteous and what is evil. Many times evil can have a “nice look” and it takes godly discernment to know the truth (Leviticus 10:10; Jeremiah 15:19; Ezekiel 22:26; and 44:23-24).

Many so-called Christian young people today are conditioned by their education to accept same-sex marriage, excuses for abortion, and the whole liberal agenda. Their spiritual senses have been totally dumbed down because, instead of being filled with God’s Word, they are programmed with humanism and socialism.

Let’s be families who have sharp senses and who know how to discern deception.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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