OwningUpCurrently, my brother and his wife and part of STORY WORTH where they write about their lives in answer to questions from their family. I love reading their stories and the other day my brother shared this confession. It’s a good story to read to your children too.
“Instead of making a purchase of a new TV in our small town in support of our local businessmen I went further afield to another city to purchase a bargain.
When setting up the TV I discovered I needed some parts. This time I went down the road to the local store. During conversation the owner asked some rather pointed questions concerning my TV and I had to lie to cover up my purchase from out of town instead of supporting my local store.
I thought to myself. I can buy purchases from wherever I want. It’s none of his business. I don’t have to tell him all the details, but the fact was I told a lie.
I paid for my purchases, thanked him, and returned to my car. On the way out my inner policeman (conscience) accused me of lying. I argued that it was none of his business. I don’t have to answer his questions. But I couldn’t run from the conviction—you lied!
I hopped into the car and started the engine. After a few minutes of debating with myself I decided to get my confession over and done with. Back in the shop I again spoke with the owner and told him that when he’d asked about my TV I had lied to him.
He accepted my apology, appreciated me coming back, and I walked out with a clear conscience, ready to do battle with the next challenge when it arose.
God gave us ten golden rules to live by. One being you shall not lie. How freeing it would be if we all lived out this rule!”
My brother, Grant, is also the author of the children’s book we have in stock called BIG BAD BULLY BILLY BROWN. It’s all about The Golden Rule.

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