evangeline-StevenWould you like to hear the story? Throughout the pregnancy, no one ever detected I was having twins. That was back in the days when we didn't have ultrasounds. I conceived the twins in the Philippines where we doing missionary work. We came back to New Zealand when I was eight months pregnant and at last I went to a doctor. He checked me, but didn't detect twins! He said he was off to England and so when I began labor to go to the hospital and the doctor on duty would attend to me (I knew nothing of homebirths back then). I went to the hospital on a false alarm a week before the twins were born, and still no one detected twins!

It wasn't until the day I came into labor again (on my due date) and went to the hospital again that a nurse, listening to the heartbeat said, "I hear another heart beat. But, it could be an echo. We'll wait and see!"

And so we waited to see! Evangeline was born--breech birth, which is quite normal for twins! I didn't notice any difference than a normal birth. They felt my tummy! Yes, there was another baby still there! That was the first inkling we had that we were going to have twins! Although I have to admit that I wondered what was growing inside me and secretly thought that if it wasn't twins I would have trouble birthing this "baby!" I hardly felt any movements as they were packed in so tightly!

Anyway, five minutes later, Stephen arrived. He was a gentlemen and allowed his sister to go first. Evangeline was 6 lbs. 13 oz. and Stephen was 7 lbs. 5 oz! I was carrying around nearly 14 lbs. of baby, plus everything else, and no one ever guessed I was having twins! The blessing of being tall!

Colin and I were ecstatic. We enjoyed these glorious moments of elation before we faced the hard work--going home to care for twins and a 17 month old, with no help. We had just arrived back from the Philippines and were living out of suitcases. I had three in "nappies" (what we call diapers in New Zealand). I used to lay them down in a row to change their nappies. However, I look back on those when I was so tired that it was painful. And yet they were such wonderful years, full of joy and fun as we watched them grow, along with their other siblings as they came along. When the twins were little I used to say, "There's only one thing better than having a baby, and that's have two babies!"

I read the following words at that time and can truly say they were wonderful years. "These are the never years. Never enough money, never enough time, never enough sleep--but always enough love. The sweetest kiss of a baby the tooth-paste-flavored kiss of a child and the sleepy kiss of a husband who is just as tired as you. These are the busy years, the wonderful, hectic, impossible years. Soon the children will be grown and I'll have plenty of time to organize my house, to sew and to cultivate outside interests. I wonder if it will be as wonderful as I sometimes dream it will? Or am I in the middle of the wonderful years... right now?"

Now they are 48 years old and have been influencing the world for God all these years. Truly, there is no greater thing we can do as a woman than to bring a little life into the world, destined to reveal the image of God, push back the enemy, light up the darkness, and expose the deceptions of Satan with God's eternal truths! There is absolutely nothing more powerful. And they have only started. I trust they have at least another 48 years to serve God!

Not only have they blessed the world, but have begun many other dynasties--Evangeline and Howard have begun 10 dynasties (at 48 she is still desperately praying for another baby, or hopefully twins). These dynasties will continue as their children have children and their children have children, continuing a godly generation in this world. Stephen and Simone have begun three dynasties with their wonderful children. And so their influence continues--all from one birth 48 years ago!

Dear young mothers, never under-estimate the power of the birth of a child! I love the quote by Frank Boreham, "We fancy that God can only manage His world by big battalions abroad, when all the while He is doing it by beautiful babies at home. When a wrong wants righting, or a truth wants preaching, or a continent wants opening, GOD SENDS A BABY INTO THE WORLD TO DO IT. That is why long, long ago, a Babe was born in Bethlehem."


P.S. Someone asked if Stephen is as much fun as Evangeline. Those of you who know Evangeline know that there is not another person in the world quite like her. Stephen is also a magnetic personality, the life of the party, and loved by all. But they don't look alike. Evangeline is golden-haired and brown-eyed, usually in jeans with knives hidden in amazing places, ready for an emergency (although when she dresses up for a special occasion, she comes out looking like a New York model). Stephen, blonde and blue-eyed is always dressed perfectly--Mr. Cool!

P.S. Another interesting thing. In the beginning of my pregnancy I was violently ill. My husband was concerned and found a Chinese doctor to diagnose me. He diagnosed that I was pregnant! But, he then injected with me with Vitamin B and I didn't have another day of feeling sick from that day onwards. With my future pregnancies I always took big doses of natural Vitamin B or Brewers' Yeast tablets which helped a lot with sickness.


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