BoringDoing little things often seems so insignificant, doesn’t it? Especially menial things. Tedious things. The daily chores you do over and over again like making beds, doing laundry, doing dishes, and preparing meals. Can I remind you that no little thing is insignificant? Little things accumulate and add up to big things. And more important of all, God notices. He is interested in the little things as much as the big things.

When God, who is watching over the walls of your home, sees you faithfully and joyfully embracing your daily tasks, it pleases His heart. He takes notice of it. God takes as much pleasure in the little things as He does the big things. He created the huge mountains, but put even more intricate design to each tiny snowflake which you can only see under a magnifying glass. He created the giant redwoods, but He created the beauty of the little violet and forget-me-not flowers.

God poured beauty and intricate design into the tiniest of His creations, some that can’t even be seen by the eyes of men. You also are being transformed into the character of God when you make beauty and joy out of your little and menial tasks, tasks that you think are boring. Nothing is boring when God is in it! Seek ways to do your little tasks faster, better, and more creatively. Sing while you do them. Thank God that He is with you as you do them.

I am challenged by Frank Bunker Gilbert in Cheaper by the Dozen who sought to do every household task more efficiently and quickly. He timed his children doing each task to see if they could do it more quickly the next time. That’s why we have so many wonderful inventions in the world today because people seek ways to do things more swiftly and resourcefully! The little can lead to the amazing!

Make everything you do in your home exciting. Encourage your children to make each task they face exciting and adventurous. Inspire them to think of doing it a better and quicker way.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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