MyDreamDear lovely ladies, A further note to the Podcast below, SHOULD CHURCHES BE MEETING TOGETHER? I hope you can take time to listen and to share it with others. This is Part 1, but I have a lot more to share with you next week.

By the way, you wouldn’t believe how difficult it has been to get this podcast to you. We had technical difficulties and so it was late coming. And then when we eventually got it to my webmaster the file crashed, and he had to start all over again! Is the devil scared of God’s people getting back to church en masse?

After the President’s proclamation, “Churches are Essential,” I wonder how many were back at church last weekend.

My dream is that all the churches would open together, and believers would FLOCK BACK TO CHURCH—filling their churches, overflowing their churches. Millions of believers back worshipping God together. What a testimony. What power. What a threat to the devil. The gates of hell will not prevail!

The power of the body of Christ on earth is when we do it together, not hiding away in our homes! Not fearing the lies of the devil, the fake media, or liberal democratic governors. We are not meant to be a weak church, hiding away because of fear mongering, but “an EXCEEDING GREAT ARMY’ (Ezekiel 37:10). We are not an army individually. A soldier belongs to the army, but he doesn’t fight until he comes together with fellow soldiers and they fight the battle together.

We can belong to Jesus and enjoy a lovely relationship with Him, but we only become a mighty force as we come together. When we come together, “bone to bone,” we become an exceeding great army.

I notice in many comments below that folk share how they are enjoying their online church meetings. Yes, I know that many are being blessed. They are great, they are good, but they are not the best. The good is often the enemy of the best. They are not what God told us to do. He told us to ASSEMBLE TOGETHER! That word is “episunagoge” and means “a complete collection, especially a Christian meeting for worship, gathering together.” It is from the root word, “sunago” meaning “to collect in the same place.”

Others share that they are staying away because they don’t want to affect anyone. Well, of course, sick or medically compromised people do not have to attend church. But healthy people have no excuse. And once again, we have been victimized by lies and wrong projections that have not been true. The latest statistics are that this virus has now mutated into 30 sub-types. This is what viruses do. This is the fourth pandemic in the last 100 years (1918-19, 1957, 1968-70 and this one). Never before have churches shut down!

And there may be more? Are we going to cave in every time there is a flu pandemic?

Are we the people of God? Do we not embrace the truth that the Spirit of God that raised Jesus Christ from dead dwells in us? Read Romans 8:11. Do we believe God’s Word or do we not? How can sickness spread to one another when God’s people are filled with the life-giving power of God?

And if we truly are the mighty army of God, we’ll act like it. Read the picture of the war horse in Job 39:19 – 25. It is a picture of the church. He does not hide at home. He is not afraid. He mocks at fear. He doesn’t turn back from the sword. He paws in the valley because he can’t wait to get into the battle.

Enough thoughts for today. Oh I’d love you to pray with me that God will stir His church and that every believer would come back to their churches! The enormous power of millions of believers ASSEMBLING TOGETHER would shake the enemy’s camp! It’s time to shake the enemy’s camp.

Please listen to the podcast, and especially next week too.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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