LookBeyondOur power and influence as mothers not only affects the destiny of the nation, but future generations. It is easy to get bogged down with the grind of daily activities in the home, isn't it? There can be times when you feel you are stuck in the mire with no hope of accomplishing anything. But dear Mother, you are not only training children for today, but for the future.
Begin to see your mothering in the light of future generations. As you mother your children, you are also affecting grandchildren and great-grandchildren to come. Your influence is powerful and far-reaching.
Rev. Edward Taylor Sullivan spoke these words in a sermon: “I walked down the furrow in the field,” said a humble mother who lived on a New Hampshire farm; “I walked down the furrow with the Governor of New Hampshire in my arms, and the Governor of Massachusetts clinging to my skirts.” She said that afterwards, long afterwards, in her old age. For she knew not then, and no one knew, that her two baby boys would be governors of two New England states.”
I love the words of this song, written by a friend of mine, Robert Bridge:
“Mothers of children, can you not see,
The world of tomorrow asleep on your knee?”
You cannot even dream what God has ahead for your children as you are faithful to nurture and train them in God’s ways and His Word of truth. Psalm 22:30, 31 (NLT) says: “Our children will also serve him. Future generations will hear about the wonders of the Lord. His righteous acts will be told to those not yet born. They will hear about everything he has done.”
Be encouraged today,
Nancy Campbell

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