BeautyWorshipIt is always fascinating to see twins, isn’t it? You can’t help looking at them, especially when they are identical. I myself had twins 51 years ago. A boy and a girl and they were so different that if people didn’t know, they didn’t recognize I had twins. But it was a great blessing. I used to say that there’s only one thing better than having a baby, and that’s having two babies!

However, did you know the Bible also has many twins? I love looking for them as I read God’s Word. You will immediately think of Mercy and Truth, Faith and Love, Righteousness and Peace etc.

Another set of twins are Beauty and Holiness. Holiness is beautiful and beauty should be clothed with holiness. In fact, most times these twins are mentioned in the context of clothing. Psalm 92:2 says: “Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” It actually refers to the holy garments the priests wore when they worshipped and served the Lord. And also when they went out to battle (Psalm 110:3; 2 Chronicles 20:11; and Revelation 1:14).

God is a God of holiness and beauty. When He gave the design of the clothes for the high priest, God stated had to be made for “glory and for beauty” (Exodus 28:2).

It’s rather interesting that it refers to garments. God wants His people to dress beautifully because He loves beauty, but He also wants them to be holy. Remember, they are twins! Inseparable.

Why then do some women like to wear (sometimes even to church) low cut and short dresses? What message do they want to portray? It’s certainly not one of holiness, or even of beauty. We need to be reminded of who we are. We are called “The people of thy holiness” (Isaiah 63:18). We are called “The Holy People” (Isaiah 62:12). We are called “The holy seed” (Ezra 9:2). We are called “a holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9).

God’s temple was called the “holy and beautiful house” (Isaiah 64:11). You are now the temple of the Lord. You are His dwelling place and He wants you to be a holy and beautiful house for Him.

Let’s dress in a holy and beautiful manner.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell


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