By Lauren Beck
I love being your mommy! It really is the best!
I feel like the most blessed woman in the entire Southwest!
I love watching your joy when you learn something new,
Or when you want to play Go Fish all afternoon.
I love the flowers and leaves you all pick for me,
And when you call my name wanting me to see.
I love days filled with chatter, hugs, and questions,
Teaching, training, and discipline lessons.
I love teaching you to read and write,
Each one of you are so very bright!
I love your grand imaginations when you play,
Each of you dreaming of who you’ll be one day.
When I’m grouchy and tired, thank you for forgiving me,
A kinder, more patient mommy is who I pray to be.
Being your mommy has stretched me to see,
That life is no longer just all about me.
Some people say I’m crazy for having all of you,
We laugh on the way home because we know it’s not true!
My erratic sleeping patterns some may not desire,
But cuddling little babes in the night, of that I’ll never tire.
I don’t mind the time cooking you healthy food,
I’m learning to find joy in cooking for my little brood.
You see, nothing I’ve ever done or seen in my life,
Compares to being your mother and your daddy’s wife.
I’m understanding the blessings that you all truly are,
Being your mommy is THE BEST CAREER by far!
Lauren writes: “This poem was written at the 10 year mark of leaving my career in the United States Air Force and becoming a full time wife and mother in my home. It's been 15 years now since I have been home with my children. I remember well- meaning friends being concerned that I'd regret my decision to leave the military service which I had loved. What could have been more impactful than serving your country! None of us realized I was being called by God to even more impactful work—the career of Motherhood. This career would break down my pride, daily strip away my selfishness, and reveal a love that I had never dreamed of. Motherhood has made me very aware of my need for Christ and His redeeming work to save me from my sinful heart. By His grace, I now Mother the children He has given me, for His glory, with all my heart.
LAUREN BECK * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fayetteville, Georgia, USA
God has blessed my dear husband, Daniel and I with Eden (15), Micah (13), Joy (10), Matthew (😎, Harbor (6), Serene (3) and Melody (3 months).

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