TrustInLordOnlyI am wondering why so many people who call themselves Christians are putting their trust in wanting a vaccine for this current virus. Shouldn’t we be putting our trust in the Lord? Shouldn’t we trust Him in everything? And at all times (Psalm 62:8).

I am sure you believe that God is bigger than this virus (I don’t even want to use the name because I am so tired of hearing it). I am sure that you believe in prayer and that God is able to bring it to an end, which I believe He is as God’s people are crying out to Him.

Psalm 9:10 says: “And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee, for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” Read also Psalm 20:7; 33;21; 124:8; Isaiah 50:10; and Zephaniah 3:12. We know that the name of the Lord is powerful. His Name is Savior, Defender, Deliverer, and Healer among so many other names.

If He is our Healer, why don’t we look to Him for healing? If He is our Deliverer, why don’t we look to Him for deliverance rather than to a vaccine which cannot be trusted, which cannot be full-proof, which needs sufficient time for testing—and by the time it is fully tested there will be a different strain of flu!), and which will only imbed foreign materials into our bodies which we don’t need!

Remember when the swine flue outbreak came in 1976? They rushed to a vaccination program and incumbent president, Gerald Ford, urged every American to get vaccinated. In fear, thousands of Americans rushed to get their vaccination. Unfortunately, the vaccine triggered a disease which caused weakness in the limbs and even killed 33 people.

I’d rather trust God any day than trust man, wouldn’t you? We must ask ourselves the question: “For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God?” (Psalm 18:31). Why would we trust in man when we can trust in God? It seems such a ridiculous question, doesn’t it?

I’ve always been challenged by Isaiah 2:22: 21: “Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of?”

In 2 Kings 18:21 (NLT) Sennacherib, king of Assyria taunts King Hezekiah for relying on the support of Egypt (which in the Bible always speaks of the flesh and relying upon man): “On Egypt? If you lean on Egypt, it will be like a reed that splinters beneath your weight and pierces your hand.”

“In God we trust.” Do we truly trust Him?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Read these powerful Scriptures about trusting in man: Proverbs 3:5, 6; Isaiah 30:1-3; 31:1-3; Jeremiah 13:25; and 17:5-10.
Scriptures about rusting in the shelter of His wings: Ruth 2:12; Psalm 36:7; 57:1; 61:4; and 91:4.


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