God revealed Himself to Moses as I AM THAT I AM! (Exodus 3:14). That says it. No one can question God’s purposes for He is I AM THAT I AM. No one can question His counsel for He is Jehovah and His thoughts are far above our thoughts.

But more than that, He is I AM today. He is I AM in the situation you face right at this moment. He is not only the faithful God of the past and the eternal future, but the God of the moment. Now! He is I AM with you in your kitchen right now, with all your frustrations and the needs of your little children and teens.

God said to Moses, “Say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” I AM comes to you right now. Acknowledge His presence with you at this “special” moment. Never forget that every moment of the day, no matter how frustrating or difficult is “divine” when I AM is with you.

Love from Nancy
Second Milers! - Above Rubies Devotional

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