VeryPresentDo you need help? Right now? Psalm 46:1 is a wonderful promise to you: “God is our refuge and strength, a VERY PRESENT help in trouble.” You may not feel it, but God is with you right now. He is present in the midst of your calamity and trial. You may feel as though you are left destitute, that you can’t see any light in the tunnel, and you can’t feel that God is near at all!
Dear one, please understand that you can’t go by what you feel. Feelings deceive. We must go by truth and the truth is that GOD IS WITH YOU RIGHT NOW (Isaiah 43:1, 2). He is a present help. Not far away. Nor coming in two months’ time. He is with you now. You may not see the answer right now, but you can thank God that He is with you. Thank Him that He is your Strength. Thank Him that He is your Refuge. Thank Him that you can trust Him to work out your situation. In His way.
He is more than a present help. He is a VERY present help. The word is “m’od” in the Hebrew and means “great, exceedingly, mightily, wholly, speedily.” Believe His Word rather than your feelings.
As you thank God for His truth, faith will arise in your heart. You will be able to say with the psalmist as he continues in verses 2 and 3 (ESV): “THEREFORE WE WILL NOT FEAR though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” In fact, why don’t you speak these words out loud, now! And say them again.
No matter how terrible your situation looks, God is bigger. And He is working it out. Sometimes it takes longer than you want but His way is always the best.
Love to you today,
Nancy Campbell

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