HappyMDayMay you have such a lovely day as you are honored and blessed by your family. Make no mistake about it. You have the most high-powered career in the nation! It is not the most high-paid career in the nation, but it is the most influential.

Dear mothers, I want to remind you today, but also every day of the year, that your role is not insignificant. It is God-mandated. It is powerful. It is nation-changing. The devil knows the power of motherhood and that’s why he seeks to woo women out of the home and away from their children. When he can get mothers out of the way, he has the power to sway our children.

Conversely, God woos women into the home.

RISE UP today, and each new day, in the anointing which God has given you. God put this powerful nurturing heart in you. He also created you physically for motherhood. Don’t be deceived by the lies of society that tell you motherhood is inferior to other roles. It is the most IMPORTANT role.

Embrace it with all your heart. I want to encourage you again today that motherhood is more than loving your children. Every mother loves her children. But true mothering is not only loving your children, but loving motherhood. When you embrace your career of motherhood, you enter a new role of joy, authority, and anointing which comes from God.

It’s time for mothers all over the land to RISE UP into their powerful and influential calling! It will change the face of the nation!

And a little note to those who do not have children around you today or have not been blessed with children. Please be encouraged that you are no less a mother. God has put in you His nurturing anointing. As you pour out His nurturing heart to the needy and those whom God puts on your heart, you also walk in the realm of motherhood.

Love and blessings to you and your home today,

Nancy Campbell


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