Isn’t it wonderful to know that God is working in us by the power of His Holy Spirit? He does not leave us unattended. He puts the desire in us to want to please Him and walk in His ways. Do you sometimes feel like a failure and feel like giving up? Don’t despair. God has never given up on you and He never will! He began a good work in you and will keep on working His good work in you until you meet Him face to face (Philippians 1:6). Oh yes, He is going to keep on working that good work in your husband too, so don’t give up on him either!

Philippians 2:13 says,“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” The word that is used of God “working” is energeo (sounds like energy, doesn’t it?) and it means He works “mightily, effectually, and fervently!”

But get this! The word that applies to us is the same! The word to “do” His good pleasure is the same word, energeo. As we yield to the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives, He actively works in us so that His life is effectually energized and revealed in us.

Today, I am praying that God will work in me a soft, sweet, sensitive, and submissive heart to God, to my husband and to those around me. What do you want God to work in you?

Love from Nancy

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