GodWillComeWe talked about the power of TWO OF YOU, husband and wife praying together. But God also talks about more than two. In Matthew 18:20 Jesus said: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

This speaks of the corporate gathering, even if there are only two or three. There is power in personal prayer, but there is greater power in corporate prayer. When we gather TOGETHER God shows up! That’s why it is so important to gather together as a family every morning and evening to pray together. It truly is the most powerful thing we can do together.

In Exodus 20:24-26 it speaks about establishing an altar. Back in the Old Testament the patriarchs established altars to call out to God and to hear Him speak to them. What is God’s response when we make an altar to Him? “I WILL COME UNTO THEE, AND I WILL BLESS THEE.”

We don’t make physical altars of earth or stone today, but we do need to make a time and a place. We’ve got to establish a meeting place with God as a family each day. When we are faithful to establish this altar, God says He will come to us. Who doesn’t want God to come to them?

I certainly want to make a way for God to come to our home. To come into our family. To come into our midst and move in our lives. To come into our midst and hear our cries for this nation and for the needs of the nations of the world.

God not only promises that He will come into our midst, but that He will bless us! Who doesn’t want God’s blessings? But we must make the place for them to come.

Will you establish a gathering place in your home where God can come to you?

Be blessed.

Nancy Campbell


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