GodLovesOrderWhen God showed Moses how to set up the tabernacle in the wilderness, we notice that God established order for each day and order in every department.

One of the pieces of furniture in the Holy Place is the Table of Shewbread. The first time this table is mentioned is in Exodus 25:23 which is the first mention of a table in the Bible. The “first mention” of something in the Bible is important. It lays a foundation for that subject from which God never deviates.

It’s also interesting to note that the Bible tells us that the plan of the tabernacle was a pattern of the heavenly tabernacle (Hebrews 8:5). This reveals to us that God has a table, or many tables in Heaven. God thought of tables before we ever had them on earth! Isn’t that amazing?

The table in your home is not insignificant. It is a place where powerful things can happen. Of course it’s not so much the able, but what happens at the table. The table, whether little or big, prestigious or humble, is the place where you gather your family.

The table is a gathering place. It’s where you gather to eat food. That makes it easy to gather the family, doesn’t it? Everyone wants to eat. Make sure your family eats together at the table, not sitting in front of the TV or hiding in their bedrooms. But it’s more than gathering to eat. It’s gathering to fellowship, to dialogue, to interact, to make memories together.

But I began talking about order. I notice in Exodus 40:4, 23 that God says: “And thou shalt bring in the table, and SET IN ORDER the things that are to be SET IN ORDER upon it . . . And he set the bread IN ORDER upon it before the LORD; as the LORD had commanded Moses.”

When we read about the first table in the Bible, we learn principles for our table. Everything written in God’s Word is for our daily lives today (Romans 15:4; 1 Corinthians 10:6, 11; and 2 Timothy 3:16, 17).

Therefore, we see that it is important to set the table. To set the plates and the food in order. We don’t dump the food and utensils on the table and let everyone grab what they want. No, God wants order. He wants us to come to a table that is set and ready. We read again in Proverbs 9:1, 2 that the wise woman sets her table.

Dear ladies, everything in the home begins with the mother. I believe this also means our family meal tables. Often, it’s hard to keep order at the table with all our little children. But I believe if we set the table with order, it lays a foundation for keeping order for the rest of the meal! It helps anyway!

It’s important too, to teach our children how to set the table. How to place the plates and silverware properly. How to make it attractive. How to set the food nicely in serving dishes.

It’s lovely to use a tablecloth to add that extra touch. It adds an extra prettiness, or class, or “I love you,” or “Gather to our lovely table,” or whatever you want to say to your family or visitors. I hate to sit down to a naked table. I love it covered. It is all part of my setting the table and making it as lovely as I can for all who will gather at our table.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell


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