GodLovesMothersI am in awe of God as I read Psalm 113. It begins by proclaiming the greatness of God and that He is HIGH above all the nations of the earth. He is HIGH above all the heavens. Our God who dwells on HIGH has to humble Himself to even look upon the things that are in the heavens, let alone the earth!

But as we read on, the picture changes. It reveals a picture of what this HIGH AND LOFTY God is doing: "He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the dunghill . . . He makes the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord."

Do you feel as though you are in the ash heap? Let God lift you up with His tender loving arms. Do you think that you are not doing anything very significant as you mother your children? Dear mother, it's YOU that God is concerned about. His focus is on the poor and needy and the mothers of this world. These are the ones He beholds. These are the ones He watches over.

As a mother, you are in the very heart of God. He wants to be with you in your mothering, every moment and in every situation of the day. He is more interested in you becoming a JOYFUL MOTHER OF CHILDREN than any career you could ever get into.

The wonderful revelation of this truth ends with PRAISE YE THE LORD! Is this your response?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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