GodIsYourMotheringWe talked yesterday about knowing God. The Scriptures translate it “Know Him in ALL YOUR WAYS” (Proverbs 3:6). What does it say? ALL your ways. That means ALL the practical ways of our lives. We can often feel very close to God when we are on our own with our Bible and no distractions. In fact, we can feel very spiritual. But what about when we get back in the fray? In the midst of babies, toddlers, tantrums, teens, frustrations, and overwhelmingness! How can we know God then?
Dear mother, God wants you to KNOW HIM in all your mothering ways. Let’s get to the reality of life. God is the One who created our bodies. He wondrously, intricately, and amazingly created them to carry and nurture life in our wombs, to give birth, to pour out life and sustenance from our breasts, and to mother and teach our children. We are created, called, chosen, ordained, designated, and destined—physically, emotionally, and spiritually— for this purpose.
Therefore, as we realize this divine truth (and can I please interrupt my sentence here--it is a divine truth although our humanistic society does not embrace it). Because it is God’s plan the enemy wants to rob us from it. When he robs us of this truth, he robs us of our full understanding of God. As we embrace this divine truth, we come to find out more and more who God is like. And the more we embrace His ways for us as wives and mothers, the more He reveals to us and leads us in His paths.
Seek with all your heart to KNOW GOD in the way He created you. Discover all the amazing hormones He gives to you when you are pregnant. Experience the blessed hormones He gives you while you nurse your baby. God is wrapped up in all your mothering. You miss knowing much of who God really is when you discard your mothering ways for other ways.
Let’s be those who know God and who He created us to be and how He created us to function.
Be blessed,
Nancy Campbell
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