After writing yesterday about how God loves to bless us with children, I received a comment regarding those who cannot conceive. I have not forgotten you, precious mothers. Even as I wrote yesterday's post I was grieving for those who cannot conceive. Sometimes, some cannot conceive because of being on the Pill (although that does not affect everyone), or physical problems. However, many times we have no answer as to why. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world.

All we can do is to yield ourselves to God who is Sovereign over our lives. Of course, that does not take away the longing to conceive and to mother. Proverbs 30:15-16 tells us that the womb is never satisfied. Can I encourage you to never give up praying and trusting God? God is a God of miracles. I have known mothers who have conceived after waiting 10 years and even more!

And you have most probably prayed about fostering or adopting. Adopting children has its challenges, but it is also close to the heart of God. God's plan is for every child to grow up in a family and there are millions of orphans in this world waiting for homes. God created you to be a nurturer. Don't waste your mothering anointing in frustration. Seek God for who He wants you to mother and nurture in your home and be open to bringing a child into your fold through adoption, or whatever way God has planned for you.

Remember, that in all of your longing, God is with you and will lead you and guide you for His glory.

Much love to you dear mother, Nancy Campbell


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