childrenContinuing the discussion from yesterday's post, TWELVE BIBLICAL REASONS WHY GOD GIVES US CHILDREN, one writer commented that most of the Scriptures mentioned were from the Old Testament and that in the New Testament we are not obligated to bring forth natural children, but only spiritual children.

Because we must be faithful to the truth, I will make comment. There are many doctrines and truths that were established in the Old Testament that are not repeated in the New Testament because they were already accepted as truth by those living in the New Testament. They did not have to be established or repeated again. One of these is having children. God's very first words to Adam and Eve after He created them and blessed them were: "Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28). God didn't change His plan for mankind in the New Testament. God's design from eternity is revealed from the beginning to the end of the Bible. He is the God of eternity. He established His plans before the ages of the world ever began. He is the unchangeable God.

Where is the Scripture that says that we should no longer bring forth children, but only spiritual children? Of course, it is nowhere to be found. We cannot make up our own doctrines. We must keep to God's infallible and eternal Word. And yes, He wants us to be witnesses, proclaiming God's truth of salvation and leading as many people as we can to Jesus, but this is not instead of having children. We do this as we continue God's first commandment of having children. In fact, we accomplish it more by having children. And we bring into the world more people to be revealers of God's image in the earth.

If we were to only birth spiritual children, we would soon have no spiritual children to birth, as we can only bring spiritual birth to children who have first been naturally born. The more children born into the world, the more can receive spiritual birth. And the more children God's people embrace from Him (for He only is the Giver of life), the more witnesses, preachers, and proclaimers of the truth we raise to bring people to Jesus in this world.

At this moment, we are destitute of the godly seed, so much so that we don't even have enough godly people to vote in righteous politicians and a godly president. This would not be our experience in this country if Christians had not stopped having the children God wanted them to have. Instead of filling the land with godly children, we have purposely limited them. This is far from God plan.

Love from Nancy


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