GlorifyGodBodyThe other Sunday morning we were singing the worship song, “Glorify thy name in all the earth.”
How do we glorify the name of the Lord? Of course, we magnify and glorify Him when we worship Him. The more we gather with the saints to glorify His name the better.
But God’s Word also tells us to glorify Him in our bodies and our spirits (1 Corinthians 6:20). How can we do this? I believe the greatest way we can do this is to embrace who God made us to be. God created male and female. Because we as women are created female, we should embrace our femaleness with all our being. Because we are female, it is through our femaleness that God will fulfil the destiny He has for our lives.
It is so sad that so many young girls, and even older women, do not understand this truth. They are brainwashed by our deceptive society. Instead of embracing their femaleness, they resist it. They resist being feminine. They refuse to dress femininely. They act and sit like men. They want careers like men.
They are blinded to the obvious fact that as females God has given us a womb and breasts for a specific function. This is the distinctive way He created females. We were created for childbearing. We were created to be nurturing beings. And yet so many married women today deny their womb. They stop the function of their womb so it cannot bring forth life. And yet they were created for this very purpose.
How sad to go through life and not fulfil the very purpose for which we were born. To deny our femaleness is therefore to deny our destiny! Instead, we glorify God when we embrace with joy the way He created our bodies.
Dear mother, you can glorify God every day and every moment in your home as you receive with joy your divine calling of motherhood, homemaking, and raising godly children for His glory.
What a blessed privilege.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
We glorify God when we praise Him: Psalm 22:23; 86:9, 12; Romans 15:6, 9, Revelation 15:4.
We glorify God when we call upon His name: Psalm 50:15.
We glorify God when embrace the way He created our bodies: 1 Corinthians 6:20.
We glorify God when we shine our light before others, and they see our good works: Matthew 5:16 and 1 Peter 2:12.
We glorify God by rejoicing in persecution: 1 Peter 4:12-16.

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