Face2FaceIt grieves my heart that there are still people willingly listening to the mandates of extreme leftist and socialist mayors and governors who want the demise of this nation. Of course, the devil always comes as an angel of light. He doesn’t make his ways look evil. He makes them look good and wise neighborly, just as he did when he first tempted Eve in the Garden (Genesis 3:6)..

They command us to wear masks “for our protection and to look after our neighbor.” But that’s a big laugh. The pore size of cloth face coverings range from 20 – 100 microns. However, the virus is 200 – 1000 times smaller than that, only 0.1 microns. Masks do not protect you, plus they are most unhealthy as you constantly breathe in your own carbon dioxide.

But far more seriously, what is happening in our nation, and the nations of the world, is totally antipathy to how God intends us to live. Of course, Satan loves to promote everything that is opposite to God’s ways.

God created us for communication with one another, not isolation. It is a healthy society that communicates with one another. Social distancing and masking promotes loneliness and loneliness begets depression. No wonder the Director or the CDC has now announced that there are far more deaths from suicides than the COVID-19.

It is also prepares the way for people to become suspicious of one another and therefore to more freely pimp and report on one another which governors in some of our liberals states are already encouraging their constituents to do. What a sad society.

Let’s wake up people. This is not how God wants us to live. We must break free. We still live in the “land of the free and the home of the brave” although not many are now acting free or brave. But why not?

We should be able to go to the supermarket and communicate and smile at people. To have a little chat. To pray for someone who is in need.

The First Amendment still gives us the rights to “the freedom of speech . . . and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Are you writing to your governors, senators, and congressmen?

The Bible reminds us how God wants us to live. In Romans 1:12, 13 Paul told the Romans Christians of his longing to come and see them “that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the MUTUAL FAITH both of YOU AND ME.

The Christian faith is not only a “me” faith. It’s not all about me. It ‘s a “you and me” faith. Everywhere else in the New Testament, the words “mutual faith” are translated either “one another, one to another, one toward another, one with another, one of another, or one for another, etc.” It’s a “one another” faith.

I love the Passion translation: “I yearn to come and be FACE TO FACE with you and get to know you (you can’t do that unless you are face to face). For I long to impart some spiritual gift that will empower you to stand strong in your faith. Now this means that when we COME TOGETHER SIDE BY SIDE something wonderful will be released. We can expect to be encouraged and comforted by each other’s faith.”

Our faith is a FACE TO FACE and SIDE BY SIDE faith. We grow in our faith as we come together and build one another up. It’s like the coals glowing brightly in the fire. Take one of the coals out and leave it on its own and it soon goes cold. Put it back into the fire and it’s not long before it glows again along with the other coals.

The Holy Spirit is the Comfortor, the parakletos, the one who “comes along side of us to comfort and encourage us.” The Holy Spirit in us wants us to do this to one another.

Let’s live the way God wants us to live.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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