GodlyWisdomDid you know that all wisdom is not godly wisdom? The Bible talks about man's wisdom, vain wisdom, fleshly wisdom, wordy wisdom, foolish wisdom, worldly wisdom, perishing wisdom, crafty wisdom, conceited wisdom, and Egyptian wisdom. This is an eye-opener! We can't trust all wisdom. We must seek God for discernment to cut through man's wisdom to understand God's wisdom. God's wisdom is from above (James 3:17, 18). God reveals His wisdom in His Word and therefore we must be filled with His Word to understand it.

Egyptian wisdom is an interesting one. Acts 7:22 says that "Moses was learned (educated from a child) in all the wisdom of the Egyptians." Egyptian wisdom is humanistic wisdom. What did God do with Moses' Egyptian education? He took him out to the backside of the desert for 40 years to get rid of it! He couldn't use Moses to be a leader of His people when filled with Egyptian wisdom. And what did God do with the children of Israel when He brought them out of Egypt? He caused them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years to get rid of Egyptian wisdom out of their brains and hearts before He brought them into the Promised Land.

And yet what do many Christians do? They send their children to the public school each day to be educated in Egyptian wisdom (the vain wisdom of this world). Do they want their children to be used mightily by God? Well, God will have to allow their children to go through His dealings at some stage to get all that Egyptian wisdom out of their system before He can use them in His plan!

Why waste their time? Why waste years of our children's lives that will need to be eventually eliminated from their hearts? Make it our daily vision to pour God’s wisdom into their minds and hearts (Psalm 1).

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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