BornPrincessesApart from her bridesmaids, Rashida had nine little flower girls (and yes, the 10th one too--her mother). You can’t help having lots of flower girls when there are so many cousins in the family. All the flower girls loved dressing up for the wedding. But it’s not only for weddings--they love to dress like princesses for every celebration we have. But more, it’s not only for celebrations. They love to dress like princesses every day.

Even yesterday, after church, the little ones went straight to the Dress Up Box to make themselves look like princesses. I don’t have lots of beautiful princess dresses in my Dress Up Box (they don’t last very long here). But I have tulle and sheer white curtains and such and they are very creative at making themselves look like princesses, queens, and brides.

Why do they want to do this? Because it is inherent within them. We don’t have to tell them to do it. It is instinctive. Therefore, if it is instinctive and God-given, why do little girls change as they grow up? This is an important question.

I don’t believe God intends us to change. I believe He wants females to continue to dress and act like royalty. We are daughters of the King of kings. Yes, we are DAUGHTERS. We are meant to look like daughters. We are meant to glory in our femininity because this is the way God made us.

Today we live in a society that blurs the sexes in the way we dress, act, and even think. We are indoctrinated. We are propagandized. We are influenced by the enemy of our souls who wants to lure us away from who God intends us to be. God created male and female. Therefore, Satan who wants to rebel against all God’s ways, seeks to destroy these roles.

I think it is time we began to really think truthfully. We are like sheep and so quickly led astray to do whatever everyone else in society is doing. Look around you. How are most women dressed? In the uniform. All the same. Everyone wears jeans and top. They have to be like everyone else. Where are the girls and women who dress femininely like princesses. Like their original instinctiveness before they were indoctrinated by society.

I think of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. The Bible says she was beautiful. She dressed beautifully--not drab or boringly. She dress like royalty. Her name even means, Princess. When Pharaoh sent his scouts out looking for beautiful women for his harem, they spied Sarah. They weren’t looking for a woman in jeans and top. They looked for a princess. It happened again with King Abimelech.

I am sure I am treading on people’s toes. But, let’s be honest. We are conditioned by society more than our God-given instincts. Are we even in touch with how God innately created us?

Do you still love me?

Nancy Campbell

P.S. The picture: Two of the little flower girls at the wedding. L. to r. Georgia Campbell (my granddaughter) and Joyce Calhoon (my grandniece, named after my mother).

LIFE PROMOTES LIFE continued, No. 3

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